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Course Description

A GCSE in Sociology will require you to use a wide range of skills including English,       Mathematics and Science. We will be reading articles, writing essays, analysing data and conducting our own research.

Throughout the Sociology GCSE course students will:

· Gain an understanding of how society works

· Learn about the fundamentals of sociology through learning about the work of a number of key sociologists

· Develop skills of critical analysis and start to become reflective thinkers

· Begin to think independently about issues raised and to consider the impact they have on our lives

· Develop research skills by conducting their own studies

· Learn how sociology is central to everyday life in everything from education to    family structures to crime and deviance

· Gain an understanding of psychological problems

· Understand how sociology fits in to individual, social and cultural diversity

Assessment Structure

There is no coursework in the GCSE Sociology course. Students will be assessed through two 1 hour 45 minute exams at the end of Year 11 which make up 100% of the assessment for this GCSE. These include multiple choice, short answer and essay questions which require extended writing skills.

Special Features

Students on the GCSE Sociology course engage with and enjoy the topics covered as they find them very relevant to their own lives. They like finding out about the thinking   behind topics such as crime and deviance, families, education and social stratification. It helps them to understand what is going on around them and encourages them to engage with current affairs in a critical way.