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A student of ICT develops creative flair. They are equipped with a range of skills that provide opportunities to develop in context, desirable and transferable skills, such as research, planning, reviewing, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively. Studying ICT will provide students with an understanding of how things are done in the real world. It will not only allow students to develop their creative skills and programming, but also ideas about how products are developed in the real world.

The curriculum will follow 3 pillars of progression:

Digital Literacy

  • Develop skills and knowledge to an effective safe and discerning user of a range of computer systems.

  • Develop the knowledge and skills, such as using digital devices or knowledge of the features that are likely to mean digital content is reliable.

Information Technology

  • Develop skills in a range of applications that can be applied to solve real world problems and create effective digital artefacts.

  • Develop digital artefacts using design principles to ensure usability.

Computer Science

  • Provide a coherent knowledge of using the concepts of sequence, selection and iteration.

  • Provide a coherent knowledge of the 4 cornerstones of computing – algorithms, decomposition, abstraction and pattern recognition.

  • Develop large store of domain specific knowledge stored in long term memory.

As a department we aim to develop, maintain and stimulate all students' curiosity, interest and enjoyment in ICT and to ensure they experience success in their work.  We facilitate students' familiarity with appropriate methods and vocabulary used within ICT.  Students of ICT will take part in a variety of activities independently and in groups to help develop desirable interpersonal qualities such as politeness, perseverance, concern for others, initiative and independence.

Please click on the link below to see a Curriculum Overview of Key Stages 3 and 4.  This details the goals for each key stage, what students will be learning in lessons and an articulation of the wider curriculum.