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ICT curriculum statement  


A student of I-media has creative flair, they are equipped with a range of creative media skills that provide opportunities to develop in context, desirable and transferable skills, such as research, planning, reviewing, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively. Studying Creative I-media will provide students with an understanding of how things are done in the real world, especially in media as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. It will not only allow students to develop their creative skills, but also ideas about how products are developed in the real world. 


The curriculum will: 

  • Encourage the development of the Academy’s values: wisdom, curiosity, generosity, courage and passion. 

  • Ensure that students are challenged, engaged and motivated to be able: 

  • at a personal level, to develop increasing levels of self-worth and cultural capital 

  • at an economic level, to contribute to the increasingly complex world of work 

  • at a societal level, to play a meaningful role in their local, national and international communities. 

  • Provide a coherent knowledge base that is appropriately powerful, transferable and intelligently sequenced, thereby enabling students to retain and recall knowledge, develop understanding and apply skills. 

  • Provide a meaningful experience that can be used to build wider cultural capital and cognitive ability. 


As a department we aim to: 

  • To develop, maintain and stimulate students' curiosity, interest and enjoyment in I-Media. 

  • To develop students' familiarity with appropriate methods and vocabulary used within I-Media. 

  • To enable students to develop a range of desirable personal qualities such as politeness, perseverance, concern for others, initiative and independence. 

  • To enable independent and group work for all students. 

  • To enable all students to have equal access to I-Media and to experience success in their work. 



To implement the intended curriculum, a number conceptual and organisational frameworks are used: 

  • Curriculum flightpaths identifies key knowledge and skills throughout KS3-5 

  • Departmental SOWs balance knowledge and skills, carefully building components to create composite learning  

  • Departmental curriculum review frameworks which supports the review of the curriculum offer and assessment practice. 

  • Maximising Learning provides a supportive framework for the wider development of effective pedagogical approaches. 

  • Language for Learning provides a framework to create and refine successful approaches to the teaching of Reading, Writing and Speaking.  

  • Maximising Effectiveness provides a suite of CPD opportunities for staff within the academy to further generate an enthusiasm for and enjoyment of their professional practice. 


The department’s continued focus on the curriculum improves: 

  • The quality of education for all learners and groups of learners 

  • The personal development and well-being of learners 

  • The chances for students to move successfully onto the next stage of their lives. 

  • The cultural, economic and societal capital to become citizens of the world 

Please click on the link below in order to access the KS3-5 Curriculum map. The map provides pathways for both computing and digital imedia.

ICT curriculum including computing and imedia pathways.