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Curriculum - KS4

Key Stage 4

It is the aim of the Academy to ensure that at Key Stage 4 students have access to a range of pathways which maximises future study, training and employment. All Key Stage 4 students study a core curriculum of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, ICT and Humanities, all leading to a GCSE qualification, in addition to PE and RE. Within Science, most able students are able to follow the triple science route of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and all students have the option to pursue an EBACC curriculum.

During Year 9, students will study the core curriculum and will also commence three option subjects in order to hone the skills and understanding required to make good progress in their chosen fields of study, enabling  deeper learning, development of  lifelong skills and employability.

 Students are given careful guidance on their choice of subjects and their routes to future success. Teaching staff, support staff, external careers advice and parents/carers are all involved in the process and an Options Evening is held for students to provide information and advice.

Currently, the Academy offers the following option subjects:


GCSE Options



Product Design - Products

Business Studies










Product Design - Graphics





BTEC/ Vocational Options*

Construction (BTEC)

Hair and Beauty (VCT)

Sports (BTEC)

Engineering (BTEC)

Health and Social Care(BTEC)



  • All vocational options are those recognised as high quality by Ofqual and the DFE.

Further information about the KS4 curriculum can be found in our option booklet:


Assessment - KS4

Key Stage 4

Students undertaking Key Stage 4 courses will be continued to be assessed using GCSE grades A*-G (9-1 for Year 10 English and Mathematics, 9 as the highest grade) and BTEC grades Distinction*- Pass.   Students  are set targets based on their Key Stage 2 raw scores.  English and Mathematics targets are based on the Key Stage 2 grade achieved.  For all other subjects the Key Stage 4 target is based on the combined KS2 level between English and Maths levels.  Progress Checks are sent home regularly indicating effort and predicted grades a student is likely to achieve if they progress at their present rate.

Reporting Progress towards Targets

Progress will be reported half termly in KS4. At Key Stage 4, the progress report will state a student’s current attainment and a projection for the end of the key stage.   Parents will receive a full written report once a year, and are also invited to parents’ evening and various learning forums for further information.