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Safeguarding, Pastoral & Wellbeing

Welcome to our Safeguarding, Pastoral and Wellbeing page.

Meet the academy’s Safeguarding Team: 
















Job title

Contact number

Mrs C McKeown

Designated Safeguarding Lead

07502 290217

Mr R Gough

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

07703 578439

Mr N Moses,

Designated Safeguarding Officer(s)

01476 410410

Mr P Murphy

Mr L Briggs

Mrs A Taylor

Mrs M Jallow

Mrs K Shelford 

Mrs A Darmon

Mr A Gunter

Designated Mental Health Lead

01476 410410

Mr A Gunter

Designated Wellbeing Lead

01476 410410

Miss K Creaser

Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead

01522 871355

The Academy also has a link Governor for Safeguarding: Ms SJ Cipieres 


Welfare and Wellbeing

For information on pupil, staff and parent/carer wellbeing, please visit the Priory Trust's website via the following link:
The Priory Federation of Academies Trust: Wellbeing

Meet the academy’s Pastoral Team: 


Job title

Contact number

Mr P Murphy

Head of Hepworth House

01476 410410

Mrs T Smith

Pastoral Manager (Hepworth)

01476 410410

Mrs M Jallow

Head of Knight House

01476 410410

Mrs R Burrow

Pastoral Manager (Knight)

01476 410410

Miss J Catnach

Head of Mackintosh House

01476 410410

Mrs W Taylor

Pastoral Manager (Mackintosh)

01476 410410

Mrs A Taylor

Head of Morris House

01476 410410

Miss E Church

Pastoral Manager (Morris)

01476 410410

Mr N Moses

Head of Hockney House

01476 410410

Mrs S Watts

Pastoral Manager (Hockney)

01476 410410

Mr A Cairns

Head of Sixth Form

01476 410410

Mr G Porter

Pastoral Manager – Sixth Form

01476 410410

Miss C Johnson

Pastoral Manger - Sixth Form (Attendance)

01476 410410

Miss L Clare

Pastoral Manager – Sixth Form (Enrichment)

01476 410410