The Key Stage 3 National Baccalaureate
We are excited to work with The National Baccalaureate Trust and be the first Academy/school in the country to develop this nationally accredited award at KS3. Its purpose is to reveal those students who engage fully with all aspects of Academy life and the wider community, thus revealing themselves to be ‘rounded students’. In due course we expect this to become a prestigious award similar to that of the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme.
It is fundamentally built on our very successful Ruskin Respect awards which are: Aiming High, Learning, Health, Community and Creativity. It is developed further with the introduction of a specific independent learning project which culminates in a presentation to a panel. The completion of a reading passport is also a requirement and reveals that students have engaged in a wide reading programme.
For more specific details and materials please look through the attachments below.
Ms S J Cipieres (Deputy Head) Mr Gough (Assitant Headteacher)